Professional Services
Approach to Individual Psychotherapy
I believe that the relationship between the therapist and patient is essential to the healing process. A therapeutic rapport is necessary for progress. It allows opportunity to talk about our thoughts and express feelings and areas of emotional pain. I seek to help you develop a more complete understanding of yourself and personal relationships. Important life decisions are then made in a way that balances our thoughts and feelings.
Too often past traumas and self-defeating patterns from the past play out in the present day. Psychotherapy is directed at understanding these longstanding patterns. We would explore the wounds that have occurred and gain a more conscious sense of self.
Certainly there are times when strong biological factors are operating as well. In these circumstances I am comfortable working with physicians who provide medication. Here I would seek to coordinate the care for optimal outcome.
Approach to Couples Therapy
Being in a committed relationship can certainly be difficult. A sense of humor, daily communication, sharing similar values and interests are fundamentals of a lasting union. Despite our best intentions, stress and longstanding conflict damage the foundation of a relationship and people don't feel the love that initially drew then together. Many couples come to therapy in crisis over extra-marital affairs, infertility, various life stresses and parenting issues, finances, conflict with extended family members, and incompatibility of interests and desire. Moving from Adolescence to Adulthood
We start at the at the beginning of the relationship. We learn about what initially brought people together. The therapy seeks to examine the influences from family of origin, prior important relationships and other personal issues. Each partner needs to work at seeing their role in the problem and how they can better understand and support each other’s needs and desires. With mutual understanding and respect a couple can move towards healing their relationship.
I have helped many adolescents and young adults navigate the stress of high school life and beyond. Adolescence and young adulthood is a life stage when a person needs to individuate from their family and develop a way of seeing themselves that is functional and adaptive. The young person needs to learn a way of having good self esteem, work effectively, and form positive relationships. When this life stage process goes awry we see a range of problems; underachievement, perfectionism, eating disorders, drug or alcohol problems and conflicts with authorities, peers, romantic partners and parents. Much of my work with young people is providing guidance and insight into how to separate from their families in ways that are not self defeating and to accept ways for feeling dependent. Though most sessions with adolescents are individual sessions, many involve family members when appropriate.